Note Documentation is still in the works. Some of the documents below need to be revised. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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Unsorted Documentation

[powerpoint logo] copper.pptx
A PowerPointTM presentation explaining COPPER in detail
Microsoft PowerPointTM 2007
[PDF] COPPER-best-practices_1.0.1-en.pdf
(document version 1.0.1, english)
Best practices to use when developing with COPPER
[PDF] COPPER-best-practices_1.0.1-de.pdf
(document version 1.0.1, german)
Best practices to use when developing with COPPER
[PDF] COPPER-WorkflowCompatibilityRules-1.2.0-en.pdf
(document version 1.2.0, english)
Compatibility rules for the migration of persistent workflow instances
When working with persistent workflows there are some things to consider when migrating the database or the code base. This documents lists the compatibility rules that you should keep in mind when changing a workflow class that already has been persisted.
[PDF] COPPER-state-diagram-for-Oracle.pdf
Flow chart displaying the possible states of a workflow instance (ORACLE version)