Ask questions

If you have any questions, ask them on the COPPER mailing list:!forum/copper-engine

The mailing list is intended as a forum for both users and developers. All current COPPER developers are signed up.

The list members discuss general and technical issues around current and future COPPER releases. New users are always welcome!

You can subscribe to this list either by using the Google Groups website or, if you don't want to create a Google account, by sending an e-mail to with topic "subscribe". Or, if that doesn't work, simply e-mail us at and we'll sign you up.


COPPER is an open source project and everyone is encouraged to get involved! There are lots of ways you can contribute:

Report bugs

COOPER uses GitHub to track issues. Bug reports are really important, so please report any issues you have. When you report bugs, make sure you include lots of detail, reproducible tests, example code or anything else you think might help!

Patch the core

COPPER's code and documentation is hosted on GitHub. It's easy to get the code and build COPPER from source.

You're welcome to work on any feature you like — COPPER is open source after all! Once you think you are finished with your feature and think it's ready for inclusion into the core, issue a pull request, and the core team will have a look at it.

Get professional support

SCOOP Logo The COPPER workflow engine is the long-time development effort of the german company SCOOP Software GmbH. We are a consulting and software company with a constant direction towards state-of-the-art technologies and methods. Our high performance systems are used in multiple medium sized and large enterprises in branches such as online retail, telecommunications, financial services, logistics and local government.

We are using COPPER in several business-critical 24/7 systems which are in use in the European telecommunications market. In 2012 we decided to make COPPER OpenSource to open our product to a broader audience. All extensions and new features which our partners need in their products automatically make it into the OpenSource version.

However, if you are thinking about using COPPER in your own project and need more help, SCOOP Software is willing to offer professional support on a commercial basis. We offer workshops, coaching, or any other help to get your COPPER project up and running. Please send an e-mail to for any inquiries.